Instruments DONATE NOW

ANAM Instruments

Access to high quality musical instruments is critical in the training of outstanding musicians. Such instruments often represent significant expense which is out of reach of many musicians starting out in their professional careers.

ANAM acknowledges the generous contribution of the following supporters who have donated, loaned or assisted with the purchase of instruments. You have given ANAM musicians what they need to excel.

If you would like to explore the donation or loan of an instrument for ANAM musicians, please contact:

Kate Mazoudier
Deputy General Manager 
0403 497 424 


Instruments donated to ANAM

Andrea Castagneri 1700's Violin donated by Sieglind D'Arcy

Bohak Cimbalon donated by Jill Johnson

Cello Flight Cases (3) donated by the estate of the late Dr Keith Penny

Karner 1870’s Cello
donated by Sieglind D’Arcy

Mason and Hamlin Model CC Concert Grand Piano
donated by Sieglind D’Arcy

Mittenwald 1880s Violin and Hill and Sons Violin Bow donated by The Bryce Family

Kawai Grand Piano donated by the late Hans Wolfgang Barwaldski

Yamaha P2F Upright Piano
donated by the family of the late Pamela J.W. Miskin

Yamaha Upright Piano donated by Elise Callander

Yanbing Chen Cellos (2) donated by the estate of the late Dr Keith Penny

Instruments on loan to ANAM

Alfred Lamy Violin Bow on loan to ANAM from Emily Boutard

A.E. Smith 1958 Violin This violin is jointly owned by ANAM and Janet Holmes à Court AC. It was purchased for ANAM with the support of Christina Katsimbardis, and with donations from Gilbert George, George Georgiou, Peter Ingram, Maria Kailis and an anonymous benefactor, currently played by James Armstrong

A.E. Smith 1927 Violin on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown, currently played by Sophia Jones

Antonio Costa Violin on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown, currently played by Louise Turnball

Aurednick Violin Bow on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown, currently played by Sophia Jones

Chipot-Vuillaume Violin on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown, currently played by Liam Pilgrim

Claude Thomassin Violin Bow on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown

Filippo Fasser Violin on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown

The Georgina Grosvenor Viola, a Ceruti and a W. Siefert Violin Bow on loan to ANAM from the Bokhara Foundation, currently played by Angelina Kim

John D Johnston 2003 Viola #85, Smith model, on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown, currently played by Sebastian Coyne

Karel van der Meer Violin Bow on loan to ANAM from Emily Boutard

F. Karrasch Virginal Modern Replica on loan to ANAM from the Tim Young Piano Studio through the generosity of Lynn Young

Louis Guersan 1700’s Violin on loan to ANAM from the Bokhara Foundation, currently played by Natalie Mavradis

Lloyd Davies Violin on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown

Peter Goodfellow 2022 Violin on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown, currently played by Lydia Sawires

Peter Goodfellow 2022 Cello on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown, currently played by Joshua Jones

Pierre Guillaume Cello Bow on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown, currently played by Max Wung

Pierre Guillaume Violin Bow on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown, currently played by Louise Turnball

Pressenda 1849 Violin 'Richard Polett' on loan to ANAM from Janet Holmes à Court AC

Rainer Beilharz 2021 Cello on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown

Rainer Beilharz 2022 Cello on loan to ANAM from Jannie Brown, currently played by Noah Lawrence

Vincenzo Sannino Violin on loan to ANAM from Emily Boutard



Instruments purchased by ANAM

With the assistance of donor support, ANAM has been able to purchase the following instruments:


Replica of a Ruckers Double harpsichord, made by Carey Beebe and generously funded for ANAM by John and Rosemary Macleod

ANAM Viola Fund

Established by The Lesley McMullin Foundation, supporting four ANAM violists in instrument and bow aquisition.

Baroque Timpani (2) 

Purchased with the support of:
the Robert Salzer Foundation
Jan Williams
Stephen Whately 


ANAM Piano Studio

Supported by Gregory Young, Director of Readings

ANAM Percussion Studio

Initial supporters of the establishment of the ANAM Percussion Studio:

Hugh D.T. Williamson Foundation
Minderoo Foundation

2018 Keys to Success Appeal

Donors to the 2018 Keys to Success Appeal in support of purchasing a Yamaha S6 Grand Piano: 

Corry and Keith Adams
Maureen Arch
Hugo Armstrong
Joan and Ron Ashbolt
David and Kaye Birks
Marja Berclouw
Janet Bolitho and Nick Capes
Jennifer Bowen
Max and Ros Boyce
Shirley Breese
Kenneth Bretherton
Jannie Brown
Elizabeth Brozgul
Anthony and June Buck
Greg Byrne
Rosemary Cann
Enid Chapman
Theresa Clarke
Marilyn Cobain
John and Chris Conquest
Kathryn Cook
Sieglind D'Arcy
Joan Davidson
Jan and David de Kretser AC
Sandra Dent
Philippa Devine
Brian Diamond and Kay Ansell
Julie Edgar and Iain Buckland
Helen Fallaw
Gary Fallon
Steve Fargo in memory of Arbutus Beaver Falatko
Evelyn Firstenberg and Graham Blashki
Dennis Freeman
Lorraine and Howard Freeman OAM
Barbara Friday
Nicholas Garnham and Juliette Houte
Gudrun Genee
Fiona Graham
Ynys Grecian
The Eric and Elizabeth Gross Foundation
Richard Gubbins
Jean Hadges
Peter Heffey
John Horacek
Irene Irvine and Iain Wallace
Nancy James
Penelope Johns
Garry Joslin and Dimity Reed
David and Lynda Judkins
Grace Kass and the late George Kass
Peter and Ann Keddie
Suzanne Kirkham
Zoltan and Elfrida Kiss
Jerry Koliha and Marlene Krelle
Lynne and John Landy AC MBE
Diane Lightfoot
Coralie Ling
Adrian and Pamela Lombardo
David and Lynette Lumsden
Christine Macleod and David Wilson
Ian Geoffrey Manning
John Martin
Ken Mason
Jennifer Marshall
Wendy McMaster
Helena Mestrovic
John and Liz Morris
Ian and Morag Newman
Iain Nicolson and the late Caryl Nicolson
O'Keefe Family
The Orloff Family Charitable Trust
David Penington AC and Sonay Hussein
Ralph and Margaret Plarre
Lady Potter AC
Jan Pontifex
Dr Sandra Rees
Greg Reinhardt
the late L. Joyce Richards
Naomi Richards and Michael Butson
Gail Rockman
John and Cynthia Rowe
Marie Rowland
Hywel Sims
Ruth Skovron
Megan Sloley
Bernadette Sullivan and Relton Leaver
Ariette Taylor and the late John Taylor
Robert Thomson and Hugh Ratten
Margaret Treadwell
Peter Tuohy
NS and JS Turnbull
Ray and Pam Walford
Owen White and the late Max Johnston
Jan Williams
Anonymous (11)

2016 Instrument Wish List Appeal

Donors to the 2016 Instrument Wish List Appeal:

Olga Abrahams
Heath Blake
Felix Blatt
Meg Breidahl
Marilyn and Ian Burton
Greg Byrne
Rosemary Cann
Maggie Cash
Raistlin Chan
Min Li Chong
Theresa Clarke
Meredith and Diana Creightmore
Andrew Decker
Sandra Dent
Philippa Devine and Will Varey
Elizabeth Douglas
Dennis Freeman
Nicholas Garnham
Kingsley Gee
David and Margaret Griffiths
Peter Heffey
David Hennell
Leonie Henry
Laura Holian
Susan Humphries
Suzanne Kirkham
Jerry Koliha and Marlene Krelle
John and Margaret Lester
Gregory Levine
Pamela Lloyd
Muriel Mathers
Klaus Neumann
Ian and Morag Newman
Pip Nicholson
O'Keefe Family
Elizabeth Pender OAM
John and Marion Poynter
Dimity Reed and Garry Joslin
Sandra Rees
Simona Scarparo
Richard Thompson
Helen Vorrath
Dr David Wood
Anonymous (18)

2015 Double Bass Campaign

Donors to the 2015 Double Bass Campaign in support of purchasing an Atelier Puglisi 5 string double bass:

Nick Bailey
Ted Bailey and Wendy Watson
Sharon and Alan Bainbridge
Marja Berclouw
Jasmine Brunner
Marilyn and Ian Burton
Charles Clark
Meredith and Diana Creightmore
Jan and David de Kretser AC
Sandra Dent
FX and VA Dunin
Arnis Dzedins
David and Geraldine Glenny
Jacqui Hagen
Peter Heffey
Brenden Morris
John, Liz and Alex Morris
Valerie Rae
David Slattery and Jillian Harrowfield
Helen Tuckey
Sylvia Urbach
Dr David Wood
Anonymous (10)


Acknowledgements correct to 24 November 2022

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