"Supporting ANAM makes me feel connected in a meaningful way to some extraordinary human beings.”
Loris Orthwein
Donors to ANAM, ‘ANAMbassadors‘, are music lovers who wish to ensure the finest young musicians from Australia and New Zealand receive the best training and performance experiences possible.
In 2020, philanthropic support provided for a third of ANAM’s budget. That means one in three lessons were provided, or one in three musicians were able to train at ANAM thanks to donor support.
Download the ANAMbassador form or DONATE ONLINE
All ANAMbassador contributions directly support our musicians and training initiatives.
ANAM gratefully acknowledges the support of the following patrons:
the late Dame Elisabeth Murdoch AC DBE
ANAMbassador Vanguard $100,000+
Hans and Petra Henkell
Ian Potter Foundation
Naomi Milgrom Foundation
The Neilson Foundation
Harold Mitchell Foundation
Orthwein Foundation+
ANAMbassador Luminary $40,000+
Sieglind D'Arcy^+
Garran Family Foundation
Eric and Elizabeth Gross Foundation
Janet Holmes à Court AC+
Kerry Landman^+
John and Rosemary Macleod
Minderoo Foundation
The Piaggio Family, in memory of the late Robert Piaggio
Lady Potter AC
Igor Zambelli+
ANAMbassador Champion $20,000+
Anthony and Sharon Lee Foundation
Aranday Foundation
Philip Bacon AO+
Barbara Bedwell
Bowness Family Foundation
Arnis and Robin Dzedins°
Jane Hansen AO
The Johnson Family Foundation
Peter Jopling AM KC°
Ulrike Klein AO°
Simon Lee Foundation*
Robert Peck AM and Yvonne von Hartel AM°,
peckvonhartel architects
Robert Salzer Foundation
David and Gai Taylor°,
Pzena Investment Charitable Trusts
ANAMbassador Leader $10,000+
the late Robert Albert AO RFD RD and Libby Albert
Meredith Baldwin^°
Bokhara Foundation*
Jannie Brown^
Bill Burdett AM and Sandra Burdett*
Geoffrey Clarke*
The Cuthbertson Family Fund
Gina Fairfax AC*
Gudrun Genee*
the late John Haasz
Mike and Jane Hall*
Dale and Greg Higham*
Di Jameson OAM and Frank Mercurio*
Ian Geoffrey Manning*
Mercer Family Foundation
Gwen Nisbet Music Scholarship Fund
Sonay Hussein - in memory of David Penington AC
David Recht*
Marie Rowland^
John and Chris Sandow+
Serp Hills Foundation
Sunning Hill Fund
Janet Thomson
Ralph Ward-Ambler AM and Barbara Ward-Ambler°
ANAMbassador Circle $5,000+
Olga Abrahams^
Beleura – The Tallis Foundation^
Arnold and Mary Bram
The Jack and Hedy Brent Foundation
Angelo Delsante and Jeannie Marsh
Peter and Annie Duncan^
Kathryn Greiner AO
Heliotropia Foundation
Merilyn and the late David Howorth^
Anthony Knight OAM and Beverly Knight
Fiona McDonald and Graham McConnell^
Jenny Nicol
John and Sue North^
Dr Helen Nugent AC and Michael Nugent
Daniel O'Connor
The Orloff Family Foundation^
James Phillips^
Elizabeth and Ron Rosanove^
Rowan Streiff^
Ursula Hoff Institute
ANAMbassador Advocate $1,000+
Corry and Keith Adams
Tom and Sandra Arthur
Wendy Watson and the late Ted Bailey
Nick Bailey
Andrew Baker
Ruth Ball^
Helen Ballantyne and Milton Robinson^
Dale Barltrop
Sara Barratt-Boyes^
Sally Basser
Anthony and Carolyn Baum
Benjamin Fund
Louise and Hermann Bischoff^
Andrew Blanckensee^
Jennifer Bott AO
Andrew Boyle^
Helen Brack
Elida Brereton
Anthony Browell and Jan Howlin^
Elizabeth Butcher AM^
Elise Callander^
Elaine Canty AM and Roy Masters AM^
Dorothy and Hans Carlborg^
Maggie Cash
Annie Chapman^
Greg Coldicutt
Cherry and Hugh Collins
Lee Ann Connor^
John and Patricia Curotta
Lynton Daehli
John Daley AM and Rebecca Coates
Celia Dann^
Darin Cooper Foundation^
Brett Dean
Mark Debeljak and Daniel Lehrer^
Aurel Dessewffy and Olga Vujovic^
George Deutsch OAM and Kathy Deutsch^
Nick Deutsch
Dewachen Fund
Eric Dias and Roger Bau^
Carolynne and Geoffrey Dobbin^
Jim and Sue Dominguez
M Elizabeth Douglas^
Sue Driver^
Barbara Duhig
Lord Ebury
Joanna Flynn AM and Joan Bruton^
Gina Fox^
Anne Frankenberg and Adrian McEniery^
Barbara Friday^
Max Garrard^
Kingsley Gee
Jillian Gengoult-Smith
Gilbert George
Robert Gibbs and Tony Wildman^
Jennifer Gilchrist^
Nadene Gilmore and Chris Ferdinands^
David and Geraldine Glenny
Andrea Goldsmith^
Faye Goldsmith^
Colin Golvan AM KC and Deborah Golvan
Michael and Lizanne Goodwin^
Simone and Richard Graham^
Ann Grant^
the late Jan Grant^
Ian Greer^
S&D Hain Foundation
Graeme Hairsine^
Robyn Harris^
Terry and Christina Hart^
Lyndsey Hawkins^
Peter and Yvette Hiscock^
Ian Hogarth and Peter Larsen^
Robert Hook^
Vicki and Lawrence Jacks^
Peter and Margaret Janssens^
Sally and Antony Jeffrey AM^
Min Jiang^
Barry Jones AC and Rachel Faggetter^
Ronald Jones and Georgina Whitehead
Tony and Allison Kelly^
Michael Kent and Cristina Cappa Legora^
Ken, Margaret and Edward King^
Suzanne Kirkham
Jerry Koliha and Marlene Krelle^
Bruce and Jenny Lane^
Kathy Laster
Joan Lefroy AM and George Lefroy AM
Diane Lightfoot^
Janet Limb AO^
Kim Low^
Paul and Yvonne Lynch
David Mackintosh
June Marks
Robin and Margaret Marks
Ian Marshman AM and Judi Marshman
Kate Mazoudier
Jan and Michael McColl^
Ingeborg McCullough^
Ian McDonald and Jules Munro^
Jan McDonald
Gillian McIntosh^
Ruth McMullin^
Ian McRae AO and Åsa Hasselgard
Judith Middleton^
Lesley Milburn^
Barry and Joan Miskin^
Traudl Moon OAM^
Sharon Nathani and Michael Cowen
Myles Neri and Kate Nossal
Elizabeth Nye^
Richard O'Dwyer^
O'Keefe Family^
Elizabeth O’Keeffe
Liz O'Shaughnessy and Roger Badalassi^
Sophie Oh
Elizabeth and Jacob Okno^
Mary Oliver^
Claudio Orrico^
The Hon George Palmer AM KC and Penny Palmer
Lee Palmer^
Mark Pearce^
Elizabeth Pender OAM
Anne Penington and the late John Penington
Christopher Perks and Victor Goldsztein^
Peter and Jane Phillips^
Ralph and Margaret Plarre^
Plate Marketing Pty Ltd
Catherine Playoust and Elliott Gyger
Rosalind Price^
the Estelle Redlich Circle^
Naomi Richards and Michael Butson
Lee and Greg Ridder^
Julie Robb and Michael Furlong^
Pip Robinson^
Margot and Morry Rottem^
S&D Hain Foundation
Christine Scala and Howard Wright^
Ken Schroder^
Michael Schwarz and David Clouston^
Anne and Greg Sewell^
Caroline Sharpen and Andrew Parker
Maryann Shepherd^
Penny Shore
Shane Simpson AM and Danielle Michel-Simpson^
Philip Spazzapan
St Silas Anglican Church
Ross Steele AM^
Geoff and Margaret Stewart^
Helen Symon KC and Ian Lulham
Jenny Tatchell^
Cherilyn Tillman and Tam Vu
Mick and Margaret Toller^
James Turnbull^
Michael Tyazhkyy and Mila Tyazhka^
Sylvia Urbach^
the late Frank van Straten AM and Adrian Turley^
Helen Vorrath
Annabelle Lundy Wason^
Julie Wehbe^
Robert Whitehead^
Pamela Whiting^
Jan Williams^
Moyna Wilson^
Anna and Mark Yates^
Anonymous (15)
ANAMbassador $200 - $999
Jenny Anderson
Julia Arnold
Jennifer Barke
Anita Beauchamp
Annette Blonski and Martin Bartfeld
Tudor Bostock
Anne Bottomley
Roderick Brown
Louise Buckle
Marilyn and Ian Burton
Alastair and Sue Campbell
Leslie G Clements
Michael Clough
Peter Cole
Jim Cousins AO and Libby Cousins AM
Elisabeth and Graham Crapp
Sandra Dent
Brian Diamond and Kay Ansell
Margaret Durrance
Julie Edgar and Iain Buckland
Jane Edmanson OAM
Evelyn Firstenberg and Graham Blashki
Peter Fleming
Judith Fraser
Dennis Freeman
Nicholas Garnham and Juliette Houte
Gaye and John Gaylard
Robert Goodrick
Peter Grant
Richard Gubbins
Fen Guo
Stuart and Sue Hamilton
Catherine Hawkins
Lesley Hawkins
Mary Hoban
James and Yvonne Hochroth
Jane Hockin
Richard and Mary Hoy
Irene Irvine and Iain Wallace
Stewart and Denise Jackel
Don Just and Kim Harley
Fiona Kearney
Belinda King
Donald Kingsmill
Zoltan Kiss
Joanna Knight
Margaret and David Knight
Deborah Kwa
Gregory Levine and Barbara Kamler
Adrian and Pamela Lombardo
Jennifer Marshall
Hilary McPhee AO
Vesna and Brendan Moran
John and Liz Morris
David and Barbara Mushin
Danilo Nemec
Iain Nicolson and the late Caryl Nicolson
Laura Panther
David Pear
Susanne Pearce
Jeanne and Frank Pleavin
May Yin Posarnig
Derek and Maree Readman
Ralph and Ruth Renard
Gail Rockman
Kay Ronec
Jeffrey Rosenfeld AM OBE
Tim Rowley
Maria Ryan
Jade Scott
Peter Scott
Marie Sierra
John and Lorraine Smith
Libby Smith
Susan Smith
Susan and John Taffe
Rosemary and Alan Tait
Tony Thomas
Tom and Zillah Diamond Fund - Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation
Chris Trueman
NS and JS Turnbull
Yvonne Turner
Henk van Leeuwen and Pam Jordan
Jon Webster
Ruth Wisniak and John Miller
the late Valda Zegenhagen
Anonymous (30)
Trusts & Foundations
Life Members
Michael Bertram
Brett Dean
John Haddad AO
Ian McRae AO
Professor John Painter AM
Barry Sheehan
+ denotes ANAM Faculty Chair and Faculty position support
° denotes Artist Residency support
* denotes ANAM Syndicate Full Musician Support
^ denotes ANAM Syndicate supporting a musician’s financial assistance
Acknowledgements from 1 September 2022 and correct to 22 March 2024
Every effort is made to keep this listing up to date, however should you notice a mistake please notify us at support@anam.com.au
ANAM is an endorsed deductible Gift Recipient listed with the Register of Cultural Organisations for the public fund it operates. All donations to ANAM over $2 are tax deductible