Noah Coyne began sharing music with his community at the age of 10, often improvising over contemporary church music or pieces composed by his older sister, Christiana. Family has always played a central role in his musical journey, and regular performances with his four siblings continue to be an important part of both family life and personal recreation.
Noah is a first-year musician at ANAM where he is mentored by Adam Chalabi. He began his undergraduate studies at the Melbourne Conservatorium, working with Professor Liz Sellars, before completing his Bachelor’s degree at the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, where he studied under Michele Walsh.
While at Griffith University, Noah was awarded the Raoul P. Neil and Airdrie P. Neil Foundation Scholarship (2024), the Paganini Prize (2024), and the Griffith Award for Academic Excellence (2023).
Noah has also participated in various side-by-side programs with prestigious ensembles such as the Melbourne and Queensland Symphony Orchestras, and the Australian String Quartet.
A passionate advocate for early music, Noah credits his mentor Rachel Beesley, who guided him in 2019, with sparking his deep interest in this genre. He believes that exploring new expressive possibilities in early music often leads to greater creative insight in contemporary works.
Outside of music, Noah has a love for dance and attended weekly modern jive lessons before moving to Melbourne.
FROM: VIC. Lands of the people of the Kulin nation.
Photo by Pia Johnson