Bequests | ANAM Visionaries DONATE NOW

"My wife and I have some interests in common and other that are separate. We decided that I would choose one charity for a bequest, she would choose another, and then we'd choose one together.

It was clear to me that ANAM would be my choice. We had a lawyer draw up the Will and it was a fairly simple process. It's not ephemeral, it's a gift that will keep on giving and with every bequest the ANAM Endowment Fund will grow."

- Arnis Dzedins, bequestor

Thank you for considering leaving a gift to ANAM in your Will. In doing so, you can ensure our precious and committed musicians receive the finest opportunities and artistic development. Your gift underpins ANAM’s ability to nurture young musicians in a unique, artistically vibrant and inspiring environment and deliver a truly world standard program; you are a visionary for the future of the arts in Australia.

Please contact Sylvia Hosking, Senior Development Coordinator for a personal and confidential discussion, or to receive a brochure 

Email Sylvia Hosking

ANAM Visionaries

When you leave a gift in your Will to ANAM, you join our community of ANAM Visionaries. This generous and like-minded group is connected by their foresight and the desire to be a part of ANAM’s future. If you have been kind enough to leave a gift to ANAM in your Will, please consider letting us know. We can then be sure to honour your wishes as well as stay in touch to celebrate your connection to ANAM in your lifetime.

How will you support ANAM?

A gift in your Will can be a powerful reflection of your values, a way to ensure that the things you love are continued for the benefit of future generations. By leaving a gift to ANAM, you underpin ANAM’s training and amplify its future impact, without affecting your independence today.

Your gift whether small or large, will have an impact on ANAM musicians for years to come. 

Bequests to ANAM are carefully invested in ANAM’s Endowment fund. Your gift ensures ANAM's musicians can flourish and our vision and future projects are secure for generations to come.

Speak to us

We recognise that writing a Will is one of the most significant actions you’ll ever take. We also understand that it’s important you take your time and have all the information you need to help you make big decisions. Leaving clear instructions and sharing your wishes with your family and friends can give you peace of mind that your final wishes will be understood and respected after you are gone.

If you would like to receive a brochure, or have a confidential discussion about any aspect of our bequests program, please contact Sylvia Hosking, Senior Development Coordinator.

Email Sylvia Hosking

Mobile: 0417 521 078



The Estate of the late Jasmine Brunner
The Estate of the late George and Grace Kass 
The Estate of the late Keith Penny
The Estate of the late Margaret Symonds
The Estate of the late Audrey Urve Tuvik 
The Estate of the late Owen White 


Allyson Anthonisz 
Patricia Armstrong-Grant OBE 
Jen Butler 
Eric Dias
Arnis and Robin Dzedins 
Kingsley Gee and Zhen Fu Guan
Robert Gibbs and Tony Wildman
Susan Girling-Butcher
Faye Goldsmith
Lyndsey Hawkins 
Merilyn and the late David Howorth 
Audrey Nicholls Johnstone OAM and the late David Johnstone
Derek Jones 
John and Rosemary Macleod 
Ingeborg McCullough and the late Denys McCullough
Genevieve Milham
Richard O’Dwyer and the late William Murdoch 
Mary Oliver                                                                                                                                  
Lee Palmer 
Susanne Pearce
Vivienne Ritchie 
Thea Roche
Marie Rowland 
Phillip Sametz
Shane Simpson AM and Danielle Michel-Simpson 
Frank van Straten AM
Rowan Streiff
Susanne Sweetland 
Robert Whitehead 
Jan Williams
Anonymous (13)


Bequest acknowledgement correct at 30 August 2024

Types of Gifts

Residuary This gift will keep up with inflation, making your gift as meaningful in the future as it would be now. A residuary gift is the remainder of your estate after all gifts have been dispersed to love ones and other organisations, and any administrative or funeral costs are taken care of, in accordance with your Will.

Percentage A percentage of either the residuary (as above) or the entire estate. This gift has great impact because the percentage remains the same (regardless of the size of your estate) once all other costs and gifts are dispersed, as noted above. It also keeps up with inflation.

Pecuniary A specified amount (cash gift) which remains the same, regardless of the value of your estate or inflation.

Asset Real estate, shares or other particular items of value (eg: artwork), are also wonderful ways to leave a legacy.

For Lawyers

  • Bequests to ANAM below $1M are automatically invested in ANAM’s Endowment Fund to provide ongoing and sustainable support to our musicians and programs for years to come.
  • Further details about ANAM’s Investment Policy and Endowment Fund can be provided on request.
  • Minimum amounts to establish named scholarships ANAM apply. We can discuss this with you in person and provide relevant advice.
  • Please ensure the correct wording is used and include our full name and ABN: The Australian National Academy of Music, ABN 18 067 405 190
  • Please contact us if your client wishes to bequeath ANAM items of value to ensure that we can accept the items and either use them appropriately (including transport, storage and ongoing insurance) or sell them.
  • We would appreciate being sent a copy of the relevant excerpt of the Will (minus the amount, if preferred). This is so we can confirm that we are able to fulfil your client’s wishes; it also helps us to plan for the future.
  • Please let us know once your client has included ANAM in their Will. We like to connect with ANAM Visionaries to celebrate their generosity in their lifetime.

Administering an estate

  • Please contact us and include a list of any gifts or assets that have been bequeathed to ANAM. We would like to thank family and friends and honor your client’s memory.
  • Prior to any action regarding specific gifts, please contact us directly. We may request that certain assets be managed in a particular way for tax purposes.

Suggested wording for Wills

‘I (insert name here) bequeath to THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ABN 18 067 405 190

[Choose and insert the appropriate statement from the list below]

  • the whole of my estate or;
  • (insert number) percentage of my estate or;
  • the residue of my estate or;
  • the amount of $ (insert the value of your gift in cash) or;
  • my (insert name of asset)

free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor(s).’

We are very grateful for gifts left to ANAM. Please contact Sylvia Hosking, Senior Development Coordinator, and we will begin the process of transferring the gift to ANAM.

EMAIL Sylvia Hosking

Mobile: 0417 521 078.

Mailing address:
Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM)
Abbotsford Convent, C1.31 Convent Building
1 St Heliers St, ABBOTSFORD VIC 3067


Suggested wording for Wills

‘I (insert name here) bequeath to THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ABN 18 067 405 190

[Choose and insert the appropriate statement from the list below]

  • the whole of my estate or;
  • (insert number) percentage of my estate or;
  • the residue of my estate or;
  • the amount of $ (insert the value of your gift in cash) or;
  • my (insert name of asset)

free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor(s).’

We are very grateful for gifts left to ANAM. Please contact Sylvia Hosking, Senior Development Coordinator, and we will begin the process of transferring the gift to ANAM.

Email Sylvia Hosking

Mobile: 0417 521 078.

Mailing address:
Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM)
Abbotsford Convent, C1.31 Convent Building
1 St Heliers St, ABBOTSFORD VIC 3067

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a bequest?

A bequest is a financial gift left in your Will; it is also known as a legacy, planned giving, or a Gift in Will. You can leave a bequest by writing a new Will, or by simply adding to an existing document. We recommend you seek legal advice for help writing or updating your Will.  Please see the Information for Lawyers section above.

What is the best way to leave a gift in my Will to ANAM?

There are different types of gifts that may be left in your Will. Please see the Types of Gifts section above.

How will my gift be used?

Bequests to ANAM are carefully invested in ANAM’s Endowment Fund, which means your gift will actually increase over time. Please contact us for further information and a brochure.

Can I leave a gift for a specific purpose or set up a named scholarship?

Minimum gifts apply for a specific purpose, as well as for named sub-funds. Please speak to Sylvia for a personal and confidential conversation on 0417 521 078.

Can ANAM help me write my Will?

Unfortunately, we don’t have that kind of legal expertise. We recommend you seek legal advice to help you write your Will. There is also a Public Trustee in every state of Australia that offers Will writing services. Referrals for advice can also be obtained from:

Can I leave you my house, other property or shares?

We would be honoured if you left us such a gift. In this case, please let us know, or direct your advisor to contact us to let us know of your decision whilst drafting your Will.

My relative has passed away and left a bequest to ANAM. What do I need to do?

Please ask the Executor to notify Sylvia Hosking, Senior Development Coordinator, and we will begin the process of transferring the gift to ANAM.

Email Sylvia Hosking

Mobile: 0417 521 078.

Mailing address: Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM)
Abbotsford Convent, C1.31 Convent Building
1 St Heliers St, ABBOTSFORD VIC 3067

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