Composers & WorksKarlo Margetić

ANAM Set 2025 Composer: Work Title and Instrumentation to be announced.

This ANAM Set commission was generously supported by the Anthony and Sharon Lee Foundation

About the composer:

Karlo Margetić (b.1987) is a composer based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand. He studied composition and clarinet at the New Zealand School of Music. Karlo has been the recipient of numerous prizes, including the 2020 Enescu Prize for Symphonic Composition (for 'An Axe for the Frozen Sea') and the 2013 SOUNZ Contemporary Award (for 'Lightbox'). In 2013 he was a Composer Fellow at the Intimacy of Creativity Composition Workshop at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Karlo has received commissions and performances from a wide variety of soloists and groups, including NZTrio, New Zealand String Quartet, F-Plus Trio, STROMA, Michael Houstoun, Claire Edwardes, Michael Hill International Violin Competition, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, and Wellington Youth Orchestra. He was Composer-in-Residence with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra in 2016 and 2017, Orchestra Wellington in 2014, with the NZSO National Youth Orchestra in 2007, and was Young Composer-in-Residence with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra in 2007 and 2008.

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