Prize Winners Awarded at ANAM Celebrates 2023

As we end another remarkable year at ANAM, we are delighted to share the prize winners from 'ANAM Celebrates.' This annual event acknowledges the collective efforts of the ANAM family, who each play a vital role in our musical community.

Congratulations to our prize winners, individuals who have exhibited exceptional talent and commitment to their craft.

A special thanks also goes to the cohort of departing musicians. We bid them farewell and wish them the best for the journey that lie ahead.

Join us in applauding these exceptional individuals who have left an indelible mark on the ANAM year!



The ADFAS Yarra Prize for the Most Outstanding Program in an ANAM Recital supported by ADFAS Yarra awarded to Ronan Apcar (NSW)

Brett Dean Prize for the Best Performance of an Australian work in an ANAM Recital supported by Brett Dean awarded to Georgia White (VIC)

David Richards Performance Award for the Most Outstanding Performance of a Contemporary work or New Composition in an ANAM Recital supported by the Ursula Hoff Institute, Lome Cole and Family awarded to Aditya Bhat (VIC)

The Ursula Hoff Performance Award for the Best Performance of a Classical Work in an ANAM Recital
supported by the Ursula Hoff Institute, Lome Cole and Family awarded to Peter Gjelsten (New Zealand)

The Ursula Hoff Award for the Most Outstanding Chamber Music Performance supported by the Ursula Hoff Institute, Lome Cole and Family awarded to the ensemble who played Golijov Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind - Dario Scalabrini (QLD), Liam Freisberg (QLD), Adrian Biemmi (WA), Ariel Postmus (WA) and Isaac Davis (NSW)

St Silas Prize for the Most Outstanding First Year Performance in an ANAM Recital supported by St Silas Anglican Church awarded to Louise Turnbull (VIC)

ENGAGEMENT supported by the ANAM Marketing Team

Engagement Award for an Exceptional Contribution to ANAM’s Social Media Platforms awarded to Laura Cliff (NSW)

Engagement Award for an Exceptional Contribution to an ANAM PR Campaign awarded to Jesse Vivante (WA)

Engagement Award for Creative Concepts and Writing awarded to Ronan Apcar (NSW)


ANAM Volunteers Prize for an Outstanding ANAM Citizen supported by the ANAM Volunteers awarded to Nadia Barrow (SA)

Nick Deutsch Prize for the Most Outstanding First Year Musician supported by Nick Deutsch awarded to Maria Zhdanovich (SA)

Gwen Nisbet Encouragement Award supported by the Gwen Nisbet Music Scholarship Fund awarded to Anna Rabinowicz (VIC)

Gwen Nisbet Music Scholarship supported by the Gwen Nisbet Music Scholarship Fund awarded to Clare Fox (NSW)

ANAM Director’s Prize supported by the ANAM Board of Directors awarded to Nicola Roinson (QLD)

The departing cohort for 2023, photo by Nico Keenan.

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