Alexis Routley has established himself as a leading figure in Finland’s music scene, and for over a decade has been in-demand as a Principal Horn player across the country’s many orchestras and chamber ensembles.

Originally hailing from the Blue Mountains, NSW, Alexis received his first formal horn training through the Sydney Conservatorium High School and the Sydney Conservatorium Access Program, studying with Ben Jacks and Gerard Patacca. Upon completing secondary school, Alexis moved to Melbourne to commence at ANAM in 2007.

Alexis reflects fondly of his two years at ANAM. “My time at ANAM gave me exposure to a wide variety of repertoire that I never would have encountered otherwise,” he recalls. “The diversity of music-making at ANAM, is utterly unique. The concentration of high-level music-making, experimentation and exploration at ANAM was an absolute revelation.”

“My time at ANAM was a period of making deep connections with other musicians, non-horn players, many of whom are still very dear to me today, 17 years later.”

The sheer variety of experiences at ANAM fuelled Alexis’ drive to dedicate many hours on his instrument, learning from his teacher Geoff Collinson. “There was a real joy, freshness, and excitement at ANAM; everyone there was absolutely overjoyed to be there. It was normal to ‘put on a monkey mask’ and growl through the horn on Monday, be swept up in a colleague’s Schumann and Schubert piano recital the next day, have a long discussion in Forum (now Performance Class) about the place of music in society, then play a concert on Friday and have drinks afterward with some of the world’s best musicians.”

Alexis recollects the inspirational Wind Classes led by flautist Margaret Crawford as one of the highlights of his time at ANAM. “Margaret gave us the sense that there was really no limit to the humour, complexity, and meaning of any one note, moment, pause or motion – in fact, any element of music-making. There was always a spirit of play and humour through her music.” He also felt the impact of Howard Penny’s infectious positive energy, and Artistic Director Brett Dean’s calm, inquisitive focus, in the many classes and performance projects across his two years of training.

In late 2008, after completing his time at ANAM, Alexis set off for Europe to obtain lessons from Vienna Symphony Orchestra’s Principal Horn, Australian Hector McDonald, and then from Berlin Philharmonic’s Principal Horn, Stefan Dohr. Whilst in Vienna, Alexis ran out of money (“I must have spent it all on South Melbourne coffees and almond croissants!”) and was deeply grateful to Hector who let him stay in their family home for many weeks, whilst he received daily lessons. Each evening, Alexis would queue up for standing-room tickets at the Vienna Staatsoper. “Standing-room tickets in those days were about €2.50. I think I went to Die Walküre five times, and many other operas as well, each one offering something unforgettable.”

Alexis returned to Australia and set about cultivating a vibrant freelancing career, performing in symphony orchestras across Australia and New Zealand, whilst completing his Bachelor of Music at the University of Melbourne studying with Andrew Bain and Saul Lewis. As soon as he received this in 2013, he obtained a place to study a Master of Music at the prestigious Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland. “Originally, I wanted to go to Finland to follow a Finnish girl I fell in love with earlier in Melbourne,” Alexis says. “But the opportunity to study with Erja Joukamo-Ampuja and Jukka Harju at the Sibelius Academy, certainly sweetened the deal!”

Alexis paints a picture of the significance of the Sibelius Academy on the cultural landscape in Helsinki. “It’s one of the largest music academies in Europe, and puts you in the absolute centre of musical life in Finland. It occupies the same building as the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra (FRSO) and the Helsinki Philharmonic, and is just a stone’s throw from the national parliament, the fantastic city library, and the heart of the city. I was immediately surrounded by the most amazing horn players, both professionals and students – in fact, many of the students already held orchestral positions in Finland.”

So unsurprisingly, Alexis’ first professional opportunities came whilst he was still studying at Sibelius Academy. “Tero Toivonen, Principal Horn of the Tapiola Sinfonietta (in Espoo, immediately adjacent to Helsinki), heard me play and invited me to step in at short notice for a recording of Brahms’ complete symphonies. After that, I continued to play with Tapiola Sinfonietta, including as Guest Principal whilst Tero was away. It was through his support that the other orchestras and musicians in Finland slowly got to know me and launched my career here.” 

Helsinki is home to three full-size symphony orchestras alone, which is unimaginable to us in Australia for a city of approximately 675,000 people (roughly double the population of Canberra). Outside of the capital, Finland has many orchestras in its regional centres. “Finland actually has the highest number of professional symphony orchestras in the world per capita,” Alexis notes. “I love Australia, and do miss it, but I’m honestly overjoyed to live in a place that has, over the past decades, invested more in culture, public transport, and mitigating homelessness.” Does the sheer volume of music-making organisations mean that the Finnish value arts and culture more than Australians? “I don’t believe that’s the case at all,” Alexis says thoughtfully. “As a result of availability and accessibility, and strong funding models from a social perspective, people take advantage of their local cultural offerings. I’d like to see the goalposts shifted in Australia – I’m sure the people of Geelong, Newcastle, the Gold Coast, Cairns, and many other regional cities would be absolutely thrilled with their own symphony orchestras. The knock-on effects for culture, children, education, the community and the elderly would be priceless – I’d love to come back to Australia one day and be a part of making that happen.”

Over the last decade, Alexis has held many long-term contracts as Principal Horn and Alternating Principal Horn with Finnish ensembles Tapiola Sinfonietta, Turku Philharmonic, Sinfonia Lahti, Joensuu City Orchestra, Vaasa City Orchestra, Pori Sinfonietta, Lohja City Orchestra, Avanti! Chamber Orchestra, Vantaa Pops Orchestra, Jyväskylä Sinfonia, and Hyvinkää Orchestra. He also regularly performs with the FRSO, Helsinki Philharmonic, Finnish National Opera and Ballet Orchestra, Tampere Philharmonic, Kymi Sinfonietta, Lappeenranta City Orchestra, Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, Oulu Sinfonia and Kuopio Symphony Orchestra – all without stepping outside of Finland!

On reflection, Alexis feels he moved to Finland not just to immerse himself in the prolific music-making and learning at the Sibelius Academy, but with the intention of establishing his career in this new country. In breaking through and getting noticed amongst the many talented musicians from all around the globe studying at the Academy, Alexis made a conscious effort to be sensitive to the cultural norms of his new home. “I learned Finnish to a high level – there are many foreign musicians who don’t do that here, but as a freelancer, you’re so much better off if you do. There’s a wealth of amazing music, popular culture, and podcasts to help you learn.”

It can feel daunting to be just one of a huge number of incredible musicians in Europe, especially coming from such a small pond as Australia or New Zealand. “My advice is to work hard, and play very well. It’s super important to see every colleague and fellow student as an ally and a source of support and inspiration. You’ll get so much further in Europe and life with this attitude.”

“People are generally over the moon to have a friendly Australian to play music with!”

Alexis recommends to anyone wishing to pursue further study in Europe, to use this as a springboard to launch their musical careers. “Contact every single teacher you can find in that city and play for all of them. Be kind and humble, and you’ll go very far. And forget about any of this ‘age stuff’ – comparing yourself to other people doesn’t do you any favours. If you love music and are dedicated to what you do, there will be space in the music world for you.”

Outside of music, Alexis enjoys travelling, and has just returned from a three-month break exploring South America. “Having time off to pursue other passions is a privilege that gives you perspective and renewed motivation for your craft, and will only further enrich the communities in which you live.”

Words by Laura Panther, Senior Alumni Coordinator (March 2025)
Photo credit: Konstancja Smolorz

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