ANAM Recital: Angelina Kim

As a musician’s instrumental proficiency develops, so too does their artistic taste and temperament. Each ANAM musician’s recital is a snapshot in time - simultaneously summarising their year of training and revealing glimpses of their future selves. What music excites them? What do they want to communicate? How does their art help them understand the world better? Experience the unique and intimate points of view of each musician individually in this recital series. Hear what the next generation of virtuosi have to say, and how.

Resonance of the Viola

"This recital offers a perfect blend of chamber and solo performances, delving into the profound emotions evoked by the viola’s resonance. Performing Mendelssohn’s String Quartet No. 6 with Tarilindy is an incredible experience, and I’m grateful for the continuous support from Sophie Rowell and Caroline Henbest. I’m excited to share the repertoire I’ve explored during my first year at ANAM and look forward to presenting these beautiful pieces to the audience.

My recital prep is going great! I’m really enjoying the process and feeling more confident with each rehearsal and lessons. I’ve been focusing on communication and being comfortable with the emotional nuances of the pieces. Working with my fellow musicians and associate artist, Berta Brozgul has been a highlight, and I can’t wait to share this program with the audience." - Angelina Kim 

Ernest BLOCH From Jewish Life
Felix MENDELSSOHN String Quartet No, 6 in F Minor Op. 80
Vaughan WILLIAMS Suite for Viola and Orchestra

Angelina Kim (QLD) viola
Theonie Wang (QLD) Violin
Miriam Niessl (QLD) Violin
Helena Burns (QLD) Viola
Cindy Masterman (QLD) Cello
Berta Brozgul (associate faculty) piano


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